A Message from the TMS Principal

March 23, 2025

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We want to take a moment to sincerely thank you for your ongoing support and partnership throughout the
school year. Your active involvement in attending events, serving as chaperones, sponsoring activities, and
participating in the PTA makes a world of difference. Your dedication helps create a vibrant and supportive
community that benefits our students and enhances their experience. We are truly grateful for all you do
and look forward to continuing our work together in the future!


School Events

  • Taste of Tuckahoe

    Taste of Tuckahoe

    Tuckahoe Middle School
  • 3rd Quarter Marking Period Ends

    3rd Quarter Marking Period Ends

    Tuckahoe Middle School
  • Earth Day Celebration

    Tuckahoe Union Free School District
  • ELA Computer Based Test - Grades 6-8

    ELa Computer Based Test - Grades 6-8

    Tuckahoe Middle School
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